Sunday, August 21, 2011

Student Activism Course

I hope you all had a great summer! The Student Activism class is set to begin the second week of school on Tuesday August 30th at 7:00 pm. Credit for the class is being offered (up to 3 units) through independent study by the Political Science department (or, by approval of your department chair, through your department). This class is being offered through the SFSU Experimental College.


1. We will discuss social movements, past and present, and the presence of nine key components necessary in building effect social movements.

2. We will analyze this information and apply what we learn to building our own actions (as projects for the class).

3. We will strive for a democratic environment.

4. As a group, we will facilitate our own learning experience.

5. There will be no teacher-student hierarchy.

6. Our goal is to heighten awareness and embody consciousness through research and experience.

Ob the first day, we will discuss credit, grades, curriculum, class structure and assignments, effectively creating the syllabus together. All you'll need is your curiosity, some input, and maybe a pen.

The room for the class is still pending. We are talking with James Martel about this.

To summarize:

Student Activism class
Tuesday, August 30th, 7:00 pm
Room: TBA

Facilitators: Kelly Corwin, Will Nelson

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