Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Gearing up for 2011

Experimental College Revival Meeting

Wednesday, December 8th, 2010
5:00 PM
Burk Hall, room 237

This meeting is being organized in an attempt to create a space before the semester ends so that a discussion can take place regarding the revival of the Experimental College. Over the last two years, student organizers have attempted to create an alternative education within the shell of SFSU where students can earn units in their own initiated classes. This process has been coordinated as if students were collectively taking an independent-study course together with the flexibility to determine the kind of education that they deem relevant and empowering.

However, this process was not easy and unlike the Experimental College leading up to the 1968 strike, sustaining the Experimental College can be difficult. Without the collective effort and support  of the student body, specifically those that are affected by the budget cuts and the threats to education we increasingly face as students, it will be difficult to envision the long-term survival of this project. Now, more than ever, it is important within this collapsing capitalist system that adversely impacts the working class and diverse composition of our communities that we develop our own infrastructures for building power from below. Come to this meeting to learn about the history of the contemporary Experimental College, and more importantly, the future of the education we want to see.


  1. are only Marxists allowed to participate? it seems exclusive given how you presented the invitation.

  2. Would love to hear why/how you find this to be exclusive? None of the authors of this post are Marxist.
